
Let me briefly take this opportunity to express my appreciation

I am truly grateful to all those people who have trusted me to translate and interpret the words that they wanted to say, and who have helped me gain experience in various fields. Indeed I’d like to take what I have gained from this experience and, together with my team of translators, further refine our translation services. We look forward to serving you again.

Mina Shibahara

Ichiro Kawamoto

Member of the Japan Academy
Professor Emeritus at Kobe University

About 20 years ago, a group of professors including myself accepted a request to write a monograph on Japanese corporate law for the Encyclopedia of Laws published by the Dutch publishing company Kluwer and Law International, but owing to the enactment of a law in 2006, this had to be completely rewritten. We asked Ms Shibahara to take on the work of translating the monograph which she completed using elegant English and, moreover, in a short amount of time.

Based on the translation, Professor Yasuhiro Kawaguchi and partner and attorney, Mr. Takayuki Kihira edited the translation from a specialized perspective and we were finally able to keep our promise by sending it to the publisher’s.

At a time when information from Japan is in high demand, such a translator as Ms. Shibahara provides wonderful practical support.

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