
Let me briefly take this opportunity to express my appreciation

I am truly grateful to all those people who have trusted me to translate and interpret the words that they wanted to say, and who have helped me gain experience in various fields. Indeed I’d like to take what I have gained from this experience and, together with my team of translators, further refine our translation services. We look forward to serving you again.

Mina Shibahara

Keiichi Tadaki

Former Prosecutor-General

The Ministry of Justice used to be a purely domestic government agency until certain problems arose over the inclusion of foreign lawyers in Japan leading to the Ministry suddenly experiencing globalization firsthand.

At that time there were only seasoned translators on hand who had been working since the time of the occupation forces, but what we were seeking was a fresh “native” speaker. Otherwise the official documents, dialogues and personal correspondence could not be adequately understood by the listener or the reader. Equally important, we needed someone who could also understand the Japanese perspective.

Placing special confidence in her versatile communication skills, the Ministry of Justice was pleased to welcome Ms. Shibahara, who effectively combined these two features.

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