Japan Premium Co., Ltd.

Ishindenei – conveying your thoughts
In Japan, I often see English words or sentences on everyday goods such as T-shirts, noticeboards or even patisserie boxes and I often find myself doing a double take and reading the English again either because I didn’t understand what the English was supposed to mean or simply because the English translation was funny enough to be Instagram-worthy. If even simple T-shirt slogans can create confusion or laughs, think what damage a bad translation of a legal contract or a financial report can do.
Translation software has admittedly come along in huge leaps and bounds in the last few years and short simple sentences can often be translated quite well. That said, humans are much more complex than software realizes and so the true intent can often only be communicated through inference, surmised by reading between the lines or looking just as closely at what is not said as much as what is.
That’s why at Japan Premium, we go to great lengths to try and understand what our clients are thinking – what they really want to say, what effect they hope their message will have and even give advice when we think our phrasing would be more persuasive or effective than the original text.
At Japan Premium, we see ourselves as a bridge to the world – steadfast, reliable and dedicated.
「A Bridge to the World」
Our commitment at Japan Premium